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Family - Community - Network
We are a growing group of entrepreneurs who strive to empower the values of bringing "Agents of Change" via grassroots micro-economies.
We hold the view that "education" is the cornerstone of bringing us closer together on long term social and environmental issues at individual and communities levels while fostering respectful relationships to the multi-layered, multi-faceted issues that we have chosen to confront.
We accept "a call-to-action" but our strategy is to take an organic intergenerational approach as a pathway towards sustainable momentum for a meaningful transformation.
IndoSmiles endeavours to forge collaborative partnerships forming a hub of patrons connected to purposeful individuals and/or groups like "spokes on a wheel" moving forward in the same direction, championing different parts of interrelated interests on sustainable development goals beginning with our kids - the future adults for progressive change.
IndoSmiles was born because of such beliefs while at the same time not fearing to face the realities before covid or in the post-period challenging us as individuals, households and communities.
"Hand up with dignity" on solving local challenges towards sustainable development through education of our children everywhere.
Maybe it's time to recalibrate within sustainable bounds and collaborate?

IndoSmiles Microproject - Laja Village

IndoSmiles - Foundation - Beginnings

IndoSmiles Groundbreaking Ceremony

IndonSmiles was founded in 2019 by a New Zealander from an idea and talking points from what he learned after a tour of Flores Island, Indonesia.
On reflection, he came to the conclusion from a professional career working and living in other countries that it was "his time" to give back and connect with others that shared this belief and more. Covid-19 accelerated the vision, connections and in 2021 IndoSmiles exceeded the expectation of our engaged supporters.
Ideas All Dressed up and Nowhere to Go - Say What !?
All dressed up and no place to go came into popular use early in the twentieth century but why can't collective VISION work too?
If we are looking and listening, we may begin to meet people with good ideas, which can be inspired into great ideas around talking points to create a vision of the world - and then we mostly leave the conversation on the table as everyday life kicks us back into our personal realities. Nothing wrong in that - that's life - Vision moves ideas from paper to action and IndoSmiles is transforming ideas into focused plans, into action with a long-term view that fits into the realities of being a Globe citizen.
Call to Action
Measure us on our results - Measure us from those that support our initiatives - Measure us by our mistakes but the realization of our collective efforts will only be truly measurable by our children that have benefited from our initiatives that then advanced them beyond our vision and bring it full circle.
A hub needs spokes for the wheel to turn -join us as a "hub ( those with time, experience and skill), as a "spoke" (those out there and doing it or with ideas and vision), to become part of the collective "wheel" of change and momentum for a shared vision of a better world starting with the adults of the future.
This is a Maori proverb:
“He aha te mea nui o te ao, he tangata he tangata he tangata”
It means, in English:
“What is the most important thing in the world, it is the people, the people, the people.”
We are individuals from different backgrounds brought together by a love of travel and local interactions, exchanging ideas gaining a lifetime of experiences and connection with places we have visited.
We call that Family, Whānau, Keluarga!

CEO & Founder
This world is a personal one.
It is subjective.
It paints perspectives.
It is a form of self-expression.
It is the home of imagination.

Flores Island Ambassadors
Local lads, Marsi and Carles are lifelong school friends, the GoTo worker bees and making it happen on the ground.
Passion best describes both men who are very enthusiastic about their culture and heritage with a strong bond to their family roots and Flores.
Both have gone onto achieve in tourism with Carles gaining his Captains Certificate and is a divemaster working in the industry.
Marsi has worked in the Tourist Information Centre in Labuan Bajo and on liveaboard dive boats. In 2016 he established his own tour company.

Southeast Asia Ambassador
When landing in Flores, Aurelie instantaneously fell in love with the people and the island.
After hearing about the kids in need through Stewart, she knew she was meant to join the community commitment for the education of the children.
Living in South East Asia since 2003, Aurelie is a business executive with nearly 10 years of engagement with nonprofit organizations.
The IndoSmiles family welcomes her amazing positive energy.

Beneficiaries - Laja Village, Flores Island
Saferinus & Maria-Yeni are the inspiration behind IndoSmile's first project, a permanent preschool for the village of Laja.
With an early passion for education, both graduated from (STKIP) St. Paulus University in Ruteng as teachers. In 2016 seeing a need in their village, they established (PAUD) ST. Saferinus Morus preschool using a temporary shelter gifted to them by a family member.
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